Miim = م


Miim-Alif-Ya = hundred

mi'ah n.f. 2:259, 2:259, 2:261, 8:65, 8:65, 8:66, 8:66, 18:25, 24:2, 37:147  ##  http://ejtaal.net/aa/#q=may

Miim-Ayn-Nun = went far or to a great or extraordinary length therein, went deep or beyond bounds in the thing/affair, the drawing of water, charity, small kindness, neighbourly needs, succour.

ma'un n.m. 107:7

LL, V8, p: 276  ##  http://ejtaal.net/aa/#q=men

Miim-Ayn-Ya = A narrow and depressed place; bowels or intestines into which food passes from the stomach.

am'a n.com. (pl. of ma'y) 47:15

LL, V8, p: 276  ##  http://ejtaal.net/aa/#q=mey

Miim-Ayn-Zay = To be hard, to be abundant in goats

ma'z n.m. 6:143

LL, V7, p: 252  ##  http://ejtaal.net/aa/#q=mez

Miim-Dal-Dal = to draw a thing (namely a rope), pull a thing, stretch a thing, strain a thing, extend by drawing or pulling, stretch forth, to prolong, expand/elongate/lengthen a thing, spread or spread out, delay or defer a thing, continue a thing, to help or aid someone, to advance, to increase, to supply ink (put ink into a thing), apply ink to a thing, manure land (with dung).

madda vb. (1)
perf. act. 13:3, 15:19, 25:45, 50:7
impf. act. 2:15, 7:202, 15:88, 19:75, 19:79, 20:131, 22:15, 31:27
impv. 84:3
n.vb. 19:75, 19:79
pcple. pass. 56:30, 74:12

madad n.m. 18:109

midad n.m. 18:109

muddah n.f. 9:4

maddada vb. (2)
pcple. pass. 104:9

amadda vb. (4)
perf. act. 17:6, 26:132, 26:133, 52:22
impf. act. 3:124, 3:125, 17:20, 23:55, 27:36, 71:12
pcple. act. 8:9

LL, V7, p: 223, 224, 225, 226  ##  http://ejtaal.net/aa/#q=mdd

Miim-Dal-Nun = city

madinah n.f. (pl. mada'in) 7:111, 7:123, 9:101, 9:120, 12:30, 15:67, 18:19, 18:82, 26:36, 26:53, 27:48, 28:15, 28:18, 28:20, 33:60, 36:20, 63:8

madyan (noun, proper) - Midian
7:85, 9:70, 11:84, 11:95, 20:40, 22:44, 28:22, 28:23, 28:45, 29:36

LL, V7, p: 272  ##  http://ejtaal.net/aa/#q=mdn

Miim-Dad-Ghayn = A piece or bit of flesh, a morsel or gobbet of flesh; heart and tongue of a person; a foetus when it becomes like a lump of flesh.

mudghah n.f. 22:5, 23:14, 23:14

LL, V8, p: 275  ##  http://ejtaal.net/aa/#q=mDg

Miim-Dad-Ya = To advance or proceed, pass/pass away, go or go away, press onward, execute/perform/accomplish a thing, to be sharp, to cut or penetrate, excel or surpass in doing a thing.

mada vb. (1)
perf. act. 8:38, 43:8
impf. act. 18:60
impv. 15:65
n.vb. 36:67

LL, V8, p: 275  ##  http://ejtaal.net/aa/#q=mDy

Miim-ha-Dal = To make a place or thing plain or even or smooth, to prepare or establish, to gain or earn, seek to gain, to work for oneself, to spread or be spread (namely a bed).

mahada vb. (1)
impf. act. 30:44
pcple. act. 51:48

mahd n.m. 3:46, 5:110, 19:29, 20:53, 43:10

mihad n.m. 2:206, 3:12, 3:197, 7:41, 13:18, 38:56, 78:6

mahhada vb. (2)
perf. act. 74:14
n.vb. 74:14

LL, V7, p: 267, 268  ##  http://ejtaal.net/aa/#q=mhd

Miim-ha-Lam = To act gently or softly, act in a leisurely manner, leave one alone or grant one delay or respite.

muhl n.m. 18:29, 44:45, 70:8

mahhala vb. (2) impv. 73:11, 86:17

amhala vb. (4) impv. 86:17

LL, V8, p: 279  ##  http://ejtaal.net/aa/#q=mhl

Miim-ha-Nun = To use a thing for service or work, hold a thing in mean estimation, to be contemptible or abject, to be weak, have little judgement and discrimination.

mahin n.m. 32:8, 43:52, 68:10, 77:20

LL, V8, p: 279  ##  http://ejtaal.net/aa/#q=mhn

Miim-Ha-Lam = To labour skillfully, excercise art or management.

mahala vb. (1)
n. vb. mihal 13:13

LL, V8, p: 272  ##  http://ejtaal.net/aa/#q=mHl

Miim-Ha-Nun = to test/try

imtahana vb. (8)
perf. act. 49:3
impv. 60:10

LL, V8, p: 272  ##  http://ejtaal.net/aa/#q=mHn

Miim-Ha-Qaf = To render a thing deficient and deprive it of its blessing or increase, annihilate/annull/obliterate a thing, do away with a thing wholly so that no trace of it remains.

mahaqa vb. (1) impf. act. 2:276, 3:141

LL, V8, p: 272.  ##  http://ejtaal.net/aa/#q=mHq

Miim-Ha-Sad = To be clear/pure/free from admixture or imperfection, run vehemently or vigorously, to be quick or swift in running.

mahhasa vb. (2) impf. act. 3:141, 3:154

LL, V7, p: 219, 220  ##  http://ejtaal.net/aa/#q=mHS

Miim-Ha-Waw = To efface or erase a thing, to obliterate/cancel/remove/do away with a thing, to dispell a thing.

maha vb. (1)
perf. act. 17:12
impf. act. 13:39, 42:24

LL, V8, p: 272  ##  http://ejtaal.net/aa/#q=mHw

Miim-Jiim-Dal = To be possessed of or characterized by glory or honour or dignity or nobility, to be magnificent/magnified, large/abundant/much, exalted or sublime.

majid n.m. 11:73, 50:1, 85:15, 85:21

LL, V7, p: 217, 218  ##  http://ejtaal.net/aa/#q=mjd

Miim-Jiim-Siin = To follow or practice the Magian religion.

majus n. 22:17

LL, V7, p: 218, 219  ##  http://ejtaal.net/aa/#q=mjs

= Miim-Kaf-Kaf = Sucking, Sucking up, Absorbing, drinking up, Destruction/Destroying, diminishing, diminution/failing; failure, to cast, to throw away, to discard, to straighten/tighten or impede/restrict, to beseech/ask/accept, crowding, competition (izdihaam). Makkah (city of).

makkah n.f. 48:24

Source  ## 

Miim-Kaf-Lam =

mikal n. 2:98  ##  http://ejtaal.net/aa/#q=mkl

Miim-Kaf-Nun = To give or assign someone a place, to establish or settle in an abode, to enable or empower someone to do a thing.

makin n.m. 12:54, 23:13, 77:21, 81:20

makkana vb. (2)
perf. act. 6:6, 7:10, 12:21, 12:56, 18:84, 18:95, 22:41, 46:26, 46:26
impf. act. 6:6, 24:55, 28:6, 28:57

amkana vb. (4) perf. act. 8:71

LL, V8, p: 276  ##  http://ejtaal.net/aa/#q=mkn

Miim-Kaf-Ra = To practice deceit or guile or circumvention, practice evasion or elusion, to plot, to excercise art or craft or cunning, act with policy, practice strategem.

makara vb. (1)
perf. act. 3:54, 3:54, 7:123, 13:42, 14:46, 16:26, 16:45, 27:50, 40:45, 71:22
impf. act. 6:123, 6:123, 6:124, 8:30, 8:30, 8:30, 10:21, 12:102, 16:127, 27:70, 35:10
n.vb. 7:99, 7:99, 7:123, 10:21, 10:21, 12:31, 13:33, 13:42, 14:46, 14:46, 14:46, 27:50, 27:50, 27:51, 34:33, 35:10, 35:43, 35:43, 71:22
pcple. act. 3:54, 8:30

LL, V7, p: 256  ##  http://ejtaal.net/aa/#q=mkr

Miim-Kaf-Tha = To tarry, to tarry and wait/expect, to loiter, to stay, pause in expectation, to not haste, be slow of speech.

makatha vb. (1)
perf. act. 27:22
impf. act. 13:17
impv. 20:10, 28:29
n. vb. 17:106
pcple. act. 18:3, 43:77

LL, V7, p: 256  ##  http://ejtaal.net/aa/#q=mkv

Miim-Kaf-Waw = Bird so called, because of its color. Whistling.

maka vb. (1) n. vb. 8:35

LL, V8, p: 276  ##  http://ejtaal.net/aa/#q=mkw

Miim-Kh-Dad = To churn/beat/agitate (milk), extract or fetch out the butter from milk, shake or agitate vehemently, turn over or revolve a thing.

makhad n.m. (coll) 19:23

LL, V7, p: 221, 222, 223  ##  http://ejtaal.net/aa/#q=mxD

Miim-Kh-Ra = To cleave, to run and cleave a thing with a noise, to make a noise or sound, advance and retire, face or turn towards the wind, plough through.

makhara vb. (1)
pcple. act. f. (mawakhir pl. of makhirah) 16:14, 35:12

LL, V7, p: 221  ##  http://ejtaal.net/aa/#q=mxr

Miim-Lam-Alif = To fill, satisfy, help. "The sap or vigour of youth, or young manhood became fuller mantled in a person". Satisfy/Glut. Aid, assist, conform with to do a thing. Assembly. Utmost [such as pulling a bow as far back as possible]. "The utmost of his power and ability was accomplished". Sufficient in quantity or dimension for filling. Disposition, nature [as one rich in needul qualities], manners. Principle persons, chiefs [because they are rich in needful things]. That which is satisfactory or satisfies [such as a majestic person]. An ewe in whose belly are water and matter so that one thinks her to be pregnant.

mala'a vb. (1)
impf. act. 7:18, 11:119, 32:13, 38:85
perf. pass. 18:18, 72:8
pcple. act. 37:66, 56:53

mala n.m. 2:246, 7:60, 7:66, 7:75, 7:88, 7:90, 7:103, 7:109, 7:127, 10:75, 10:83, 10:88, 11:27, 11:38, 11:97, 12:43, 23:24, 23:33, 23:46, 26:34, 27:29, 27:32, 27:38, 28:20, 28:32, 28:38, 37:8, 38:6, 38:69, 43:46

mil n.m. 3:91

imtala'a vb. (8) perf. act. 50:30  ##  http://ejtaal.net/aa/#q=mla

Miim-Lam-Ha = To suckle or give suck, to be saltish or bitter, to become fat, to be goodly/beautiful/pretty, pleasing to the eye or ear, inclining to gray or whiteness, adopt one as a foster brother.

milh n. com. 25:53, 35:12

LL, V7, p: 259, 260, 261, 262  ##  http://ejtaal.net/aa/#q=mlH

Miim-Lam-Kaf = to rule/command/reign, be capable, to control, power/authority, king, kingdom.

Also see root: Lam-Alif-Kaf

malaka vb. (1)
perf. act. 4:3, 4:24, 4:25, 4:36, 16:71, 23:6, 24:31, 24:33, 24:58, 24:61, 30:28, 33:50, 33:52, 33:55, 70:30
impf. act. 5:17, 5:25, 5:41, 5:76, 7:188, 10:31, 10:49, 13:16, 16:73, 17:56, 17:100, 19:87, 20:89, 25:3, 25:3, 27:23, 29:17, 34:22, 34:42, 35:13, 39:43, 43:86, 46:8, 48:11, 60:4, 72:21, 78:37, 82:19
n.vb. (1) malk 20:87
n.vb. (2) mulk 2:102, 2:107, 2:247, 2:247, 2:247, 2:248, 2:251, 2:258, 3:26, 3:26, 3:26, 3:189, 4:53, 4:54, 5:17, 5:18, 5:40, 5:120, 6:73, 7:158, 9:116, 12:101, 17:111, 20:120, 22:56, 24:42, 25:2, 25:2, 25:26, 35:13, 38:10, 38:20, 38:35, 39:6, 39:44, 40:16, 40:29, 42:49, 43:51, 43:85, 45:27, 48:14, 57:2, 57:5, 64:1, 67:1, 76:20, 85:9
pcple. act. 1:4, 3:26, 36:71
pcple. pass. 16:75

malak n.m. 2:102, 6:8, 6:8, 6:9, 6:50, 7:20, 11:12, 11:31, 12:31, 17:95, 25:7, 32:11, 53:26, 69:17, 89:22

malakut n.m. 6:75, 7:185, 23:88, 36:83

malik n.m. (pl. muluk) 2:246, 2:247, 5:20, 12:43, 12:50, 12:54, 12:72, 12:76, 18:79, 20:114, 23:116, 27:34, 59:23, 62:1, 114:2

malik n.m. 54:55

malik n. prop. 43:77

LL, V8, p: 277  ##  http://ejtaal.net/aa/#q=mlk

Miim-Lam-Lam = to dictate, embrace a religion, creed/faith.

millah n.f. - 2:120, 2:130, 2:135, 3:95, 4:125, 6:161, 7:88, 7:89, 12:37, 12:38, 14:13, 16:123, 18:20, 22:78, 38:7

amalla vb. (IV)
impf. act. 2:282 x3

LL, V7, p: 257, 258. V8: 276, 277  ##  http://ejtaal.net/aa/#q=mll

Miim-Lam-Qaf = To flay a person, also to behave in a loving and affectionate manner towards someone, run swiftly, be vehement in journeying.

amlaqa vb. (4) n.vb. 6:151, 17:31

LL, V8, p: 277  ##  http://ejtaal.net/aa/#q=mlq

Miim-Lam-Ya = To live long, enjoy a thing.

maliy n.m. 19:46

amla vb. (4)
perf. act. 13:32, 22:44, 22:48, 47:25
impf. act. 3:178, 3:178, 7:183, 68:45
impf. pass. 25:5

LL, V8, p: 277  ##  http://ejtaal.net/aa/#q=mly

Miim-Nun-Ayn = To prevent or hinder or hold back, to impede/withhold/arrest/restrain, to keep/debar/preclude/inhibit, to forbid/prohibit/interdict, deny or refuse, also to protect or defend or guard a thing, dispute or contest, resist or withstand, to strengthen or fortify, to make a thing inaccessible or unapproachable or difficult of access.

mana'a vb. (1)
perf. act. 2:114, 7:12, 9:54, 17:59, 17:94, 18:55, 20:92, 38:75
impf. act. 4:141, 21:43, 107:7
perf. pass. 12:63
pcple. act. f. 59:2
pcple. pass. 56:33

manna n.m. 50:25, 68:12

manu n.m. 70:21

LL, V8, p: 278.  ##  http://ejtaal.net/aa/#q=mne

Miim-Nun-Nun = To confer or bestow a benefit or favour to someone, to be bountiful or beneficent or gratuitous, to be reasonable (too reasonable to do that which is deemed bad), min often means some of or among, min can be used in the sense of fi meaning in or on.

manna vb. (1)
perf. act. 3:164, 4:94, 6:53, 12:90, 20:37, 28:82, 37:114, 52:27
impf. act. 14:11, 26:22, 28:5, 49:17, 49:17, 49:17, 74:6
impv. 38:39
n.vb. 2:262, 2:264, 47:4
pcple. pass. 41:8, 68:3, 84:25, 95:6

mann n.m. 2:57, 7:160, 20:80

manun n.m. 52:30

LL, V8, p: 278  ##  http://ejtaal.net/aa/#q=mnn

Miim-Nun-Ya = To try or to prove someone, to mediate, to wish or desire.

manat n. 53:20

mani n.m. 75:37

umniyah n.f. (pl. amani) 2:78, 2:111, 4:123, 4:123, 22:52, 57:14

manna vb. (2)
impf. act. 4:119, 4:120

amna vb. (4)
impf. act. 56:58
impf. pass. 53:46, 75:37

tamanna vb. (5)
perf. act. 22:52, 28:82, 53:24
impf. act. 2:95, 3:143, 4:32, 62:7
impv. 2:94, 62:6

LL, V8, p: 279.  ##  http://ejtaal.net/aa/#q=mny

Miim-Qaf-Ta = To hate a person, to be hateful, to be an object of hatred, odious.

maqata vb. (1)
n.vb. 4:22, 35:39, 40:10, 40:10, 40:35, 61:3

LL, V7, p: 255.  ##  http://ejtaal.net/aa/#q=mqt

Miim-Ra-Alif = It (food) was wholesome or approved in its result, easy to swallow, not attended by trouble, quick in digesting, light to the stomach, to descend well, to be salubrious in its air (land), in the habit of doing what is approved and shunning what is held base, preserve the soul from filthy actions, to be possessed of manly perfection or manly virtue or moral goodness, give food (on the occasion of building a house or marrying), woman, wife.

imra'ah 2:282, 3:35, 3:40, 4:12, 4:128, 7:83, 11:71, 11:81, 12:21, 12:30, 12:51, 15:60, 19:5, 19:8, 27:23, 27:57, 28:9, 28:23, 29:32, 29:33, 33:50, 51:29, 66:10, 66:10, 66:11, 111:4

imru n.m. 2:102, 4:176, 8:24, 19:28, 24:11, 52:21, 70:38, 74:52, 78:40, 80:34, 80:37

mari n.m. 4:4

LL, V7, p: 230, 231  ##  http://ejtaal.net/aa/#q=mra

Miim-Ra-Dal = To seep or soak bread (or corn) in water, to crumble or soften, rub a thing in water, make a thing soft, to polish a thing, to be beardless or without facial hair (youth or young man), exalt oneself, to be insolent and audacious/bold, excessively proud or corrupt, extravagant in acts of wrongdoing and disobedience, to be accustomed/habituated/inured to a thing, care not for a thing, be destitute of good, to strip or peel a thing, lofty or high, to be brisk/lively/sprightly.

marada vb. (1)
perf. act. 9:101
pcple. act. 37:7

marid n.m. 4:117, 22:3

marrada vb. (2) pcple. pass. 27:44

LL, V7, p: 233, 234  ##  http://ejtaal.net/aa/#q=mrd

Miim-Ra-Dad = To be diseased/disordered, distempered, to be ill or sick, languid or weak or feeble, deficient in strength, defective or deficient, to be right or nearly right (in judgement or opinion).

marida vb. (1)
perf. act. 26:80
n.vb. 2:10, 2:10, 5:52, 8:49, 9:125, 22:53, 24:50, 33:12, 33:32, 33:60, 47:20, 47:29, 74:31

marid n.m. (pl. marda) 2:184, 2:185, 2:196, 4:43, 4:102, 5:6, 9:91, 24:61, 48:17, 73:20

LL, V7, p: 236, 237  ##  http://ejtaal.net/aa/#q=mrD

Miim-Ra-Ha = To be weak, to leak or let flow water or tears, to be joyful or glad, rejoice above measure (excessively/exceedingly), proud and self-conceited, behave unthankfully or ungratefully.

mariha vb. (1)
perf. act. 40:75
n.vb. 17:37, 31:18

LL, V7, p: 232, 233  ##  http://ejtaal.net/aa/#q=mrH

م ر ج = Miim-Ra-Jiim = pasture, maraja = mixed (one thing with another), flow & flow freely (as separate entities), set forth, mariija = marred/spoiled/corrupted/impaired/disturbed/unsteady/confused.

maraja vb. (1)
perf. act. 25:53, 55:19

marij n.m. 55:15

marij n.m. 50:5

marjan n.m. 55:22, 55:58

LL, V7, p: 232  ##  http://ejtaal.net/aa/#q=mrj

Miim-Ra-Ra = To pass or pass by or pass beyond, proceed, go along or go through or go over, go away or pass away, to run or flow (namely water), go across a thing, come upon, overcome, make a thing bitter or displeasing, to drag a thing along, to twist or turn a thing in an attempt to throw it down, to go on in a continuous/constant manner or course, to be firm/resolute/determined/strong, firmly resist a thing, to murmur or grumble, to shake or quiver or quake, move to and fro or from side to side, to be in a state of commotion, overcome by bile.

marra vb. (1)
perf. act. 2:259, 7:189, 10:12, 11:38, 25:72, 25:72, 83:30
impf. act. 12:105, 27:88, 37:137
n.vb. 27:88

amarr n.m. (comp. adj. of murr) 54:46

marrah n.f. 2:229, 6:94, 6:110, 8:56, 9:13, 9:80, 9:83, 9:101, 9:126, 17:4, 17:7, 17:51, 18:48, 20:37, 24:58, 28:54, 33:31, 36:79, 41:21

mirrah n.f. 53:6

istamarra vb. (10) pcple. act. 54:2, 54:19

LL, V7, p: 227, 228, 229, 230  ##  http://ejtaal.net/aa/#q=mrr

Miim-Ra-Ta = Render a thing smooth, remove a thing from its place, to break a thing, to be without water and herbage (land or tract of land).

marut n. 2:102

LL, V7, p: 231  ##  http://ejtaal.net/aa/#q=mrt

= Miim-Ra-Waw = flint stones, white fragile stone where a cooking fire is started or from which blades are made, the stone on which an animal is slaughtered, hard, barren land, type of fragrant tree. The eminence in the immediate vicinity of Ka'bah, a mountain near Mecca called Marwah.

marwah n. 2:158  ##  http://ejtaal.net/aa/#q=mrw

Miim-Ra-Ya = To draw forth a thing, to dispute or contend, to doubt.

miryah n.f. 11:17, 11:109, 22:55, 32:23, 41:54

mara vb. (3)
impf. act. 18:22, 42:18, 53:12
n.vb. 18:22

tamara vb. (6)
perf. act. 54:36
impf. act. 53:55

imtara vb. (8)
impf. act. 6:2, 15:63, 19:34, 43:61, 44:50
pcple. act. 2:147, 3:60, 6:114, 10:94

LL, V8, p: 273  ##  http://ejtaal.net/aa/#q=mry

Miim-Ra-Ya-Miim =

maryam n. 2:87, 2:253, 3:36, 3:37, 3:42, 3:43, 3:44, 3:45, 3:45, 4:156, 4:157, 4:171, 4:171, 5:17, 5:17, 5:46, 5:72, 5:75, 5:78, 5:110, 5:112, 5:114, 5:116, 9:31, 19:16, 19:27, 19:34, 23:50, 33:7, 43:57, 57:27, 61:6, 61:14, 66:12  ##  http://ejtaal.net/aa/#q=mrym

Miim-Siin-Dal = To twist a rope, twist a thing well, pursue or journey laboriously or with energy, hold on or continue a journey, render (person or animal) lean/lank/light of flesh/slender, render one lank in the belly, also to render it firm, tall and slender, of goodly stature, compact of make (applied to a woman).

masad n.m. 111:5

LL, V7, p: 243, 244  ##  http://ejtaal.net/aa/#q=msd

Miim-Siin-Ha = to wipe/rub/stroke, passing one's hand over something, chosen/anointed, messiah

masaha vb. (1)
impv. 4:43, 5:6, 5:6
n.vb. 38:33

al-masih n. 3:45, 4:157, 4:171, 4:172, 5:17, 5:17, 5:72, 5:72, 5:75, 9:30, 9:31  ##  http://ejtaal.net/aa/#q=msH

Miim-Siin-Kaf = To retain, withhold, maintain, be tenacious or niggardly, hold fast a thing, arrest a thing, restrain/detain/confine/imprison a person, restrain or abstain from a thing, grasp/clutch/seize a thing, take a thing with the hand, intelligent or sound in judgement.

misk n.com. 83:26

massaka vb. (2)
impf. act. 7:170

amsaka vb. (4)
perf. act. 5:4, 17:100, 35:41, 67:21
impf. act. 2:231, 16:59, 16:79, 22:65, 35:2, 35:41, 39:42, 60:10, 67:19
impv. 2:231, 4:15, 33:37, 38:39, 65:2
n.vb. 2:229
pcple. act. 35:2, 39:38

istamsaka vb. (10)
perf. act. 2:256, 31:22
impv. 43:43
pcple. act. 43:21

LL, V8, p: 273, 274  ##  http://ejtaal.net/aa/#q=msk

Miim-Siin-Kh = To transform or metamorph a thing, change or alter a thing, tasteless or insipid, to wound or render an animal lean, to be dissolved, to deform, render a thing ugly in make or form, to make a bow or bows.

masakha vb. (1) perf. act. 36:67

LL, V7, p: 243  ##  http://ejtaal.net/aa/#q=msx

Miim-Siin-Siin = To meet or touch or feel a thing with the hand, touch a thing without intervention or interference, strike or smite, afflict or befall, be distressing or difficult of accomplishment.

massa vb. (1)
perf. act. 2:214, 3:140, 7:95, 7:188, 7:201, 8:68, 10:12, 10:12, 10:21, 11:10, 12:88, 15:54, 16:53, 17:67, 17:83, 21:46, 21:83, 24:14, 30:33, 38:41, 39:8, 39:49, 41:49, 41:50, 41:51, 50:38, 70:20, 70:21
impf. act. 2:80, 2:236, 2:237, 3:24, 3:47, 3:120, 3:140, 3:174, 5:73, 6:17, 6:17, 6:49, 7:73, 10:107, 11:48, 11:64, 11:113, 15:48, 19:20, 19:45, 24:35, 26:156, 33:49, 35:35, 35:35, 36:18, 39:61, 56:79
n.vb. 2:275, 54:48

massa vb. (3)
n.vb. 20:97

tamassa vb. (6)
impf. act. 58:3, 58:4

LL, V7, p: 239, 240  ##  http://ejtaal.net/aa/#q=mss

Miim-Siin-Waw = To arrive/come/enter in the evening, Afternoon [counted from noon to sunset] (or noon to midnight), evening, after sunset, I came to him in the evening, He came to him in the evening with such a thing.

amsa vb. (4)
impf. act. 30:17

LL, V8, p: 274  ##  http://ejtaal.net/aa/#q=msw

Miim-Shiin-Jiim = To mix or confuse, make a confusion or disturbance, mix one thing with another.

amshaj n.m. (pl. of mashij) 76:2

LL, V7, p: 244, 245  ##  http://ejtaal.net/aa/#q=m$j

Miim-Shiin-Ya = To walk, to go or go along, to go afoot/on foot, move from place to place, march/travel/trod/pace/step, to go on or continue in a course of action, to pass, to be current, move/be in motion, walk about.

masha vb. (1)
perf. act. 2:20
impf. act. 6:122, 7:195, 17:37, 17:95, 20:40, 20:128, 24:45, 24:45, 24:45, 25:7, 25:20, 25:63, 28:25, 31:18, 32:26, 57:28, 67:22, 67:22
impv. 38:6, 67:15
n.vb. 31:19

mashsha n.m. 68:11

LL, V8, p: 274, 275  ##  http://ejtaal.net/aa/#q=m$y

= Miim-Sad-Ra (e.g. misra, maseeru) = he made it (namely a town) a limit/boundary between two things, partition, barrier, limit, great town, Egypt.

misr n. 2:61, 10:87, 12:21, 12:99, 43:51  ##  http://ejtaal.net/aa/#q=mSr

Miim-Ta-Ayn = to enjoy/benefit, gift, anything useful/advantageous, goods (e.g. utensils, furniture), a commodity.

mata n.m. (pl. amti'ah) 2:36, 2:236, 2:240, 2:241, 3:14, 3:185, 3:197, 4:77, 4:102, 5:96, 7:24, 9:38, 10:23, 10:70, 11:3, 12:17, 12:65, 12:79, 13:17, 13:26, 16:80, 16:117, 21:111, 24:29, 28:60, 28:61, 33:53, 36:44, 40:39, 42:36, 43:35, 56:73, 57:20, 79:33, 80:32

matta'a vb. (2)
perf. act. 10:98, 15:88, 20:131, 21:44, 25:18, 26:205, 28:61, 37:148, 43:29
impf. act. 2:126, 11:3, 11:48, 31:24, 33:28
impv. 2:236, 33:49
impf. pass. 26:207, 33:16

tamatta'a (5)
perf. act. 2:196
impf. act. 15:3, 29:66, 47:12
impv. 11:65, 14:30, 16:55, 30:34, 39:8, 51:43, 77:46

istamta'a vb. (10)
perf. act. 4:24, 6:128, 9:69, 9:69, 9:69, 46:20

LL, V8, p: 270  ##  http://ejtaal.net/aa/#q=mte

Miim-Ta-Nun = To render/make a thing firm/strong/stout/hard, season skin (with rob or inspissated juice), well seasoned, possess any quality in a strong degree, more sweet.

matin n.m. 7:183, 51:58, 68:45

LL, V8, p: 271  ##  http://ejtaal.net/aa/#q=mtn

Miim-Tha-Lam = Stand erect, mutilate or castrate (namely a sheep or goat), to set up a thing, affect to be like or to imitate a thing, apply a proverb, apply a thing proverbially, be nearly in a sound or healthy state, near to convalescence, obey/follow a command or order, to resemble, be of likeness or equivalent.

amthal n.m. (comp. adj. feminine is muthla) 20:63, 20:104

mathal n.m. (pl. amthal) 2:17, 2:17, 2:26, 2:26, 2:171, 2:171, 2:214, 2:261, 2:261, 2:264, 2:264, 2:265, 2:265, 3:59, 3:59, 3:117, 3:117, 6:122, 7:176, 7:176, 7:176, 7:177, 10:24, 11:24, 11:24, 13:17, 13:35, 14:18, 14:24, 14:25, 14:26, 14:45, 16:60, 16:60, 16:74, 16:75, 16:76, 16:112, 17:48, 17:89, 18:32, 18:45, 18:54, 22:73, 24:34, 24:35, 25:9, 25:33, 25:39, 29:41, 29:41, 29:43, 30:27, 30:28, 30:58, 36:13, 36:78, 39:27, 39:29, 39:29, 43:8, 43:17, 43:56, 43:57, 43:59, 47:3, 47:15, 48:29, 48:29, 56:23, 57:20, 59:15, 59:16, 59:21, 62:5, 62:5, 62:5, 66:10, 66:11, 74:31

mathulat n.f. (pl. of mathulah) 13:6

mithl n.m. (pl. amthal) 2:23, 2:106, 2:113, 2:118, 2:137, 2:194, 2:228, 2:233, 2:275, 3:13, 3:73, 3:140, 3:165, 4:11, 4:140, 4:176, 5:31, 5:36, 5:95, 6:38, 6:93, 6:124, 6:160, 6:160, 7:169, 7:194, 8:31, 10:27, 10:38, 10:102, 11:13, 11:27, 11:89, 13:17, 13:18, 14:10, 14:11, 16:126, 17:88, 17:88, 17:99, 18:109, 18:110, 20:58, 21:3, 21:84, 22:60, 23:24, 23:33, 23:34, 23:47, 23:81, 24:17, 26:154, 26:186, 28:48, 28:79, 35:14, 36:15, 36:42, 36:81, 37:61, 38:43, 39:47, 40:30, 40:31, 40:40, 41:6, 41:13, 42:11, 42:40, 46:10, 47:10, 47:38, 51:23, 51:59, 52:34, 56:61, 60:11, 65:12, 76:28, 89:8

tamathil n.m. (pl. of timthal) 21:52, 34:13

tamaththala vb. (5) perf. act. 19:17

LL, V8, p: 271, 272  ##  http://ejtaal.net/aa/#q=mvl

Miim-Tay-Ra = sky, rain, shower, went quickly or hastened.

matara vb. (1)
n.vb. 4:102, 7:84, 25:40, 26:173, 26:173, 27:58, 27:58

amtara vb. (4)
perf. act. 7:84, 11:82, 15:74, 26:173, 27:58
impv. 8:32
perf. pass. 25:40
pcple. act. 46:24

LL, V7, p: 249, 250  ##  http://ejtaal.net/aa/#q=mTr

Miim-Tay-Waw = to go or walk haughtily or arrogantly

tamatta vb. (5) impf. act. 75:33  ##  http://ejtaal.net/aa/#q=mTw

Miim-Waw-ha = water, rain

ma' n.m. 2:22, 2:74, 2:164, 4:43, 5:6, 6:99, 7:50, 7:57, 8:11, 10:24, 11:7, 11:43, 11:44, 11:44, 13:4, 13:14, 13:17, 14:16, 14:32, 15:22, 16:10, 16:65, 18:29, 18:41, 18:45, 20:53, 21:30, 22:5, 22:63, 23:18, 24:39, 24:45, 25:48, 25:54, 27:60, 28:23, 29:63, 30:24, 31:10, 32:8, 32:27, 35:27, 39:21, 41:39, 43:11, 47:15, 47:15, 50:9, 54:11, 54:12, 54:28, 56:31, 56:68, 67:30, 67:30, 69:11, 72:16, 77:20, 77:27, 78:14, 79:31, 80:25, 86:6  ##  http://ejtaal.net/aa/#q=mwh

Miim-Waw-Jiim = To be in a state of commotion, to be agitated, tumultuous, conflict or dash, to be in a confused and disturbed state, perplexed or amazed, move backwards and forwards, move from side to side.

maja vb. (1)
impf. act. 18:99

mawj n.m. (coll) 10:22, 11:42, 11:43, 24:40, 24:40, 31:32

LL, V7, p: 271  ##  http://ejtaal.net/aa/#q=mwj

Miim-Waw-Lam = To be abundant in weath, possess an abundance of property.

mal n.m. (pl. amwal) 2:155, 2:177, 2:188, 2:188, 2:247, 2:261, 2:262, 2:264, 2:265, 2:274, 2:279, 3:10, 3:116, 3:186, 4:2, 4:2, 4:2, 4:5, 4:6, 4:6, 4:10, 4:24, 4:29, 4:34, 4:38, 4:95, 4:95, 4:161, 6:152, 8:28, 8:36, 8:72, 9:20, 9:24, 9:34, 9:41, 9:44, 9:55, 9:69, 9:81, 9:85, 9:88, 9:103, 9:111, 10:88, 10:88, 11:29, 11:87, 17:6, 17:34, 17:64, 18:34, 18:39, 18:46, 19:77, 23:55, 24:33, 26:88, 27:36, 30:39, 33:27, 34:35, 34:37, 47:36, 48:11, 49:15, 51:19, 57:20, 58:17, 59:8, 61:11, 63:9, 64:15, 68:14, 69:28, 70:24, 71:12, 71:21, 74:12, 89:20, 90:6, 92:11, 92:18, 104:2, 104:3, 111:2

LL, V8, p: 230.  ##  http://ejtaal.net/aa/#q=mwl

Miim-Waw-Ra = Move from side to side, move to and fro, come and go, move round about, be in a state of commotion or tumult, to circulate.

mara vb. (1)
impf. act. 52:9, 67:16
n.vb. 52:9

LL, V7, p: 271, 272  ##  http://ejtaal.net/aa/#q=mwr

Miim-Waw-Siin = Musa/Moses

separated by chapter (sura)

2:51, 2:53, 2:54, 2:55, 2:60, 2:61, 2:67, 2:87, 2:92, 2:108, 2:136, 2:246, 2:248,
4:153, 4:153, 4:164,
5:20, 5:22, 5:24,
6:84, 6:91, 6:154,
7:103, 7:104, 7:115, 7:117, 7:122, 7:127, 7:128, 7:131, 7:134, 7:138, 7:142, 7:143, 7:143, 7:144, 7:148, 7:150, 7:154, 7:155, 7:159, 7:160,
10:75, 10:77, 10:80, 10:81, 10:83, 10:84, 10:87, 10:88,
11:17, 11:96, 11:110,
14:5, 14:6, 14:8,
17:2, 17:101, 17:101,
18:60, 18:66,
20:9, 20:11, 20:17, 20:19, 20:36, 20:40, 20:49, 20:57, 20:61, 20:65, 20:67, 20:70, 20:77, 20:83, 20:86, 20:88, 20:91,
23:45, 23:49,
26:10, 26:43, 26:45, 26:48, 26:52, 26:61, 26:63, 26:65,
27:7, 27:9, 27:10,
28:3, 28:7, 28:10, 28:15, 28:18, 28:19, 28:20, 28:29, 28:30, 28:31, 28:36, 28:37, 28:38, 28:43, 28:44, 28:48, 28:76,
33:7, 33:69,
37:114, 37:120,
40:23, 40:26, 40:27, 40:37, 40:53,
46:12, 46:30,

LL, V7, p: 272  ##  http://ejtaal.net/aa/#q=mws

Miim-Waw-Ta = To die, to pass away from the earthly life, to be destitute or deprived of life, deprived of sensation, deprived of the intellectual faculty, to be still/quiet/motionless, to be calm/still, to sleep, lifeless, to be assuaged, dried up by the earth, to cease, wear out/be worn out, to be poor/reduced to poverty, abject/base/despicable/vile, disobedient or rebellious, lowly/humble/submissive, to be soft/loose/flabby/relaxed, lack spirit or life.

mata vb. (1)
perf. act. 2:161, 3:91, 3:144, 3:156, 3:157, 3:158, 9:84, 9:84, 9:125, 19:23, 19:66, 21:34, 22:58, 23:35, 23:82, 37:16, 37:53, 47:34, 50:3, 56:47
impf. act. 2:132, 2:217, 3:102, 3:145, 4:18, 7:25, 16:38, 19:15, 19:33, 20:74, 23:37, 25:58, 31:34, 35:36, 39:42, 45:24, 87:13
impv. 2:243, 3:119
n.vb. 2:19, 2:56, 2:94, 2:133, 2:164, 2:180, 2:243, 2:259, 3:143, 3:168, 3:185, 4:15, 4:18, 4:78, 4:100, 4:159, 5:106, 5:106, 6:61, 6:93, 8:6, 11:7, 14:17, 16:65, 21:35, 23:99, 25:3, 29:57, 29:63, 30:19, 30:24, 30:50, 32:11, 33:16, 33:19, 34:14, 34:14, 35:9, 39:42, 39:42, 44:56, 45:5, 47:20, 50:19, 56:60, 57:17, 62:6, 62:8, 63:10, 67:2

mamat n.m. 6:162, 17:75, 45:21

mawtah n.f. 37:59, 44:35, 44:56

mayt n.m. (pl. amwat) 2:28, 2:154, 3:169, 6:122, 16:21, 25:49, 35:22, 43:11, 49:12, 50:11, 77:26

maytah n.f. 2:173, 5:3, 6:139, 6:145, 16:115, 36:33

mayyit n.m. (pl. mawta and mayyitun) 2:73, 2:260, 3:27, 3:27, 3:49, 5:110, 6:36, 6:95, 6:95, 6:111, 7:57, 7:57, 10:31, 10:31, 13:31, 14:17, 22:6, 23:15, 27:80, 30:19, 30:19, 30:50, 30:52, 35:9, 36:12, 37:58, 39:30, 39:30, 41:39, 42:9, 46:33, 75:40

amata vb. (4)
perf. act. 2:259, 40:11, 53:44, 80:21
impf. act. 2:28, 2:258, 2:258, 3:156, 7:158, 9:116, 10:56, 15:23, 22:66, 23:80, 26:81, 30:40, 40:68, 44:8, 45:26, 50:43, 57:2

LL, V7, p: 269, 270, 271  ##  http://ejtaal.net/aa/#q=mwt

Miim-Ya-Dal = To be shaken, moved, agitated, spread, give food. It was/became in a state of motion or commotion. Was/Became agitated: in a state or violent motion or commotion; or violently agitated. Turn/Twist about. Become contorted and convulsed. Quivered, trembled. Confound, perplex, amazed. Inclining from side to side. Confer bestow benefit/s or favor/s.

Ma-idatan (2x) - A table with food upon it. From m-y-d "it was in a state of motion" as the table moved about from what was on it. Or m-y-d "he brought wheat or food" since food is brought on it. Or m-y-d "he gave" because what is this called given by the owner to the people [who are to eat]. Table spread, table with food upon it, food. Knowledge, because knowledge is the spiritual food.

mada vb. (1)
impf. act. 16:15, 21:31, 31:10

ma'idah n.f. 5:112, 5:114

LL, V7, p: 273, 274, 275  ##  http://ejtaal.net/aa/#q=myd

Miim-Ya-Lam = To incline or lean, bend/propend/tend, decline/deviate/deflect, conform with/assist/aid a person, to express love towards a person, to wrong someone, be inimical to a person, waver or vacillate between two things.

mala vb. (1)
impf. act. 4:27, 4:102, 4:129
n.vb. 4:27, 4:129

maylah n.f. 4:102

LL, V8, p: 280  ##  http://ejtaal.net/aa/#q=myl

Miim-Ya-Ra = To bring or convey, purvey, bring a thing to someone, give to someone.

mara vb. (1) impf. act. 12:65

LL, V7, p: 275  ##  http://ejtaal.net/aa/#q=myr

Miim-Ya-Zay = To set apart or away or aside a thing, remove or seperate a thing, to sever, distinguish/discriminate/discern/distinct, burst asunder, withdraw from a thing, to shift or quit.

maza vb. (1) impf. act. 3:179, 8:37

tamayyaza vb. (5) impf. act. 67:8

imtaza vb. (8) impv. 36:59

LL, V7, p: 275, 276  ##  http://ejtaal.net/aa/#q=myz

Miim-Zay-Jiim = To mix/mingle/incorporate/blend, exasperate/irritate/enrage a person, to give something, contend or dispute with a person, various in disposition or temperament.

mizaj n.m. 76:5, 76:17, 83:27

LL, V7, p: 238, 239  ##  http://ejtaal.net/aa/#q=mzj

Miim-Zay-Nun = Clouds, white clouds or clouds of any kind, clouds containing water.

muzn n.m. 56:69

LL, V8, p: 273  ##  http://ejtaal.net/aa/#q=mzn

Miim-Zay-Qaf = To scatter or disperse, mangle/rent much/dissunder, shatter/disorganize/dissipate, to mar or impair, tear or cut much, to slit a thing.

mazzaqa vb. (2)
perf. act. 34:19
perf. pass. 34:7
pcple. pass. 34:7, 34:19

LL, V8, p: 273.  ##  http://ejtaal.net/aa/#q=mzq